The begging of the end...

06/29/2012 21:25

Knowing the diffrence between good and bad is something that most people learn when they are just little kids. You should know that lieing, stealing, and cheating are just bad and are not excepted by the most of socioty.  I'm sure when I was little I learned these things too, but some where along the road of life I lost knowing the diffrence between right and  wrong. I remeber the first drink like it was yesterday. Me and my friend Rachel were staying in a trailer all alone and I had gottin some vodka and beer. The first drink was it for me. I feel in Love. The warm burning sensation in your stomach. You know they say you never forget your fist love, and hunny let me tell you I NEVER will. From then on It was all down hill. In the winter months of novmber and december my drinking took off. I was drinking every day. Till one day i had the faboulus idea of mixing whiskey beer and vikenden together. My parents found me on the grounf with glass all around me with cuts all over my body. You think by this point I would relize that I needed to stop but O hell no. I just kept going right along.  So in January of 2011 I overdosed on anything i could find in the medicince cabnit. I was in the ICU for two days. Thw worst part was that about a week later one of my CLOSE family friends died of a herion O.D. O wait it gets better.. her sister died a year before that of a overdose. I was so mad i couldn't figure out why I didn't die and they did. yet still I couldn't see the light.. i continued as I was and getting worse along the way. In june 2011 i ended up in the hospital again from huffing so much spray pain i was having convulsions.  This time my parents didn't know what to do. We went to see a person at a "recovery" center. I took at test and had a 9.5 out of 10 chance that I was addicted to drugs and alchol. She said I should start going to A.A. It,s what I needed. I got sober on July 8th 2011. Three days before my 15th birthday. The people in A.A. were so helpful they were just what i needed. I learned lots of things and had lots of ups and downs that  maybe I'll talk about later. But now I'm using again smoking pot and drinking. I'm glad I am but the roller-coster of my alcholism might be in play again. Thous the reason for this blog.  Away to talk about whats going on with-out actully telling someone. So lets see how my life from this point goes on.